Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is vital in making medium to large corporations in Malaysia and Singapore improve its efficiency and profitability.

13 July 2018

Tools To Help You Increase Your Enrolment Rates

A few weeks back, we shared some of the common problems faced by most institutions of higher education and these are problems that are seen across the globe, not only those that are specific to a particular geography.

This week, let’s look at some ways that we could help you automate many of your marketing activities in order to create a personalized relationship with prospective students that invariably increases your recruitment numbers.

It is a known fact that all prospective students apply to at least a number of universities at any particular time. As people, we are all bound by emotions and the best way to win these students is to engage more with them and give them that personalized feeling that they are welcome at your institution of higher education.

The fact that they feel warm and welcomed to a particular university creates a passion towards that university and if you can do this, you have already won half the battle in securing this prospective student.

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